URBIS 2024 concentrates information and activities in the field of Smart Cities

February 8, 2024  /  8:03 AM

The topic of Smart Cities has become an increasingly important part of the development of cities, municipalities and regions at home and worldwide, as well as one of the keys to sustainable development, prosperity and quality of life. The increasing challenges we face together today require innovative solutions and innovative approaches.

We have many promising ideas and innovations in the Czech Republic, but their implementation and scaling up face obstacles and often the main target groups are not aware of these innovations. This problem stems from a lack of dialogue, poor cooperation between actors across sectors and levels, and overall fragmentation of activities.

By bringing together four ministries and about a dozen other institutions, URBIS will concentrate important stakeholders, information and activities in the field of Smart Cities. The main objective is to create a platform for establishing innovative partnerships, especially between the business sphere and municipalities, and also for international exchange, so that products and services for municipalities and cities find an easier way into practice, and into foreign markets.

Representatives of local governments from all over the country are invited to the URBIS Smart Cities Meetup. Thematic events with partners from abroad, such as Germany, Finland, Austria or Slovakia, are also being prepared, and among them especially the Contact Ukraine format.

URBIS is divided into three main pillars:
  1. exhibition
  2. conference programme
  3. networking

This year, exhibitors can take advantage of a special "startup" booth offer, which aims to make presentation truly affordable for everyone. BVV Trade Fairs Brno will then soon present the emerging project of a living laboratory at the Brno Exhibition Centre, which will focus on the issue of Smart Cities.